Let’s leave a better future!
Jerrold M. Jung, Founder
Employment background
- Over $1,000,000,000 of shareholder value created by companies that I founded or controlled.
- Surety Bond analyst for Travelers Indemnity Company from 1977 to 1978.
- Director of Reservations for Continental Airlines from 1979 to 1982.
- Designed from 1983 to 1985 passenger revenue optimization software still used by over 50 air carriers.
- General Manager of Michigan CAT’s Engine Division from 1983 to 1987.
- Founded Landfill Energy Systems in 1987. The EPA awarded this alternate energy company a certificate that declared that methane reduction achieved by its power plants was equivalent to taking 800,000 cars off of the road. Company was sold in 2008.
- CEO of Michigan CAT from 1988 to 2011. Market share rose to 60% from 25%. Revenues peaked at $550,000,000 and employment rose to 880. The business was sold in 2011 because my children have other career interests.
- Chairman and founder of Oak Adaptive, Inc. that provides software tailored to Caterpillar dealers as well as an innovative sentencing app that provides information for use within the criminal justice system.
- Currently semi-retired and manage Rule of Ones, LLC an investment vehicle.
Educational background
- Graduated from Birmingham Seaholm High School in 1971. Received Bausch-Lomb Award for outstanding high school students. On committee that established Bingham Farms Nature Center. Varsity letter in Track.
- Attended University of Michigan from 1971 to 1973. Phi Eta Sigma honor fraternity.
- Graduated from Tulane University in 1975, 1st in class, summa cum laude with honors in economics. Phi Beta Kappa honor fraternity. Commodore of sailing club.
- Attended Harvard Graduate School of Business in 1976.
- Co-authored “Price Elasticity of Demand for Air Travel.” Published in the 1976 fall edition of Transport Economics and Policy. This paper informed Congressional debate when airline fares were deregulated. It is still utilized as instructional material at the University of Chicago School of Public Policy.
- Chair of Michigan Colleges Alliance, a group of 15 private independent colleges.
- Board member of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters.
- Board member of Public School Academies of Detroit.
- Board member of 6,000,000 member National Wildlife Federation.
- Chair of the Michigan State Transportation Commission from 2010 until 2015.
- Past Director of Warren Equipment Company, a Texas based gas compression fabricator and Caterpillar dealer with revenues in excess of $1,000,000,000.
- Past Vice-Chair of St. Mary Hospital in Livonia Michigan.
- Past Trustee of the Nature Conservancy in Michigan.
- Past President of the Michigan Construction Equipment Dealers Association.
- Past Board Member of the Cooperative Tractor Dealers Association—a financing co-op.
- Past Board Member of NWEA—the National Wood Energy Association.
Philanthropic Endeavors
- Supports a wide variety of environmental and educational initiatives that improve the legacy we leave to future generations.
- Founded in conjunction with the Michigan Colleges Alliance the “Third 90” program that annually introduces hundreds of inner city high school students to nature as well as to private college professors, students and campuses.
- Founded “RethinkEthanol.com” an entity that educates legislators and the public about the need for corn ethanol reform.
- Bausch Lob Award for Outstanding High School Science Students
- Scenic Michigan—“Hero Award” 2009
- Michigan Infrastructure and Transportation Association—Honorary Member Award: 2012
- Michigan Aggregate Association— Distinguished Service Award: 2012
- Detroit Public TV—Riley Stewardship Award: 2012
- Michigan League of Conservation Voters—Lifetime Conservation Award: 2013
- In addition to two honorary citations, the State of Michigan named a roadside park in my honor.
Honorary Ph.Ds from Adrian College and Alma College
- Resides in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
Married to Emily Jung.
- Have three children and seven grandchildren.
- Enjoy outdoor activities such as gardening, hiking, hunting, fishing, golfing, sailing and skiing.
- Practice “eco-restoration” on several properties in Michigan.
- Own and manage for bio-diversity and carbon sequestration over 43,000 acres of forestland in central Tennessee.
Rethink Ethanol is a non-profit group dedicated to increasing awareness and initiating changes in ethanol usage in order to help the environment and people.
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